4 Surefire Signs Your Home’s Heating Source May Need To Be Replaced In The Lowcountry
It’s COLD this week in the Lowcountry.
As that cold weather starts creeping into area homes, many face the uncomfortable situation of their heater not working in their home.
That uncomfortable situation starts to spread around to family, friends and even pets if a heating solution isn’t in place.
When your heater isn’t working, it’s not always easy to understand if it’ll be a quick repair or if a full system replacement is needed.
That said, here are some of the surefire signs that your system is on its way out and a replacement project may need to happen this fall or winter in the Lowcountry.
1. It Won’t Turn On (At All)
While there may be some small things to look for that will allow your system to turn back on, getting no output from either your air handler, gas furnace, heat pump, ductless mini split heating or whatever your heat source is, can be a clue your system is on its way out.
As mentioned, there could be smaller items that can kick your system back into working order, but if there’s absolutely no sound of any component turning on when you adjust your thermostat, it could be a definite sign something will need to be replaced.
2. It’s Blowing Cold Air
If you do happen to get your system on/running, but your system is blowing cold air there’s a good chance you’re going to need a professional to look at your system.
Again there could be some smaller items that can be fixed to get your system back up and running, but it could be an early warning sign that your system may need replacement.
3. Your Home Never Reaches Its Target Temperature (And Is Constantly Running)
If you are getting heat to come through your air duct system but your house never reaches its target temperature you set on your thermostat, this could mean your system may need replacement.
Whichever system type you have, if your system constantly runs but your home never heats all the way there’s a chance your system is not sized properly.
This could also lead to high energy bills – something a new, properly sized system can help make more efficient.
4. It’s Old (And Has Frequent Repairs)
Finally, if your system is just plain old ( over 10-15 years depending on the system type ) or if it’s constantly needing repairs, it may be time to get out ahead of a large breakdown event and get yourself a replacement.
Frequent repairs can only do so much with an old system, and those repair costs could eventually outpace a new system installation price tag altogether.
Getting out ahead on replacement is generally a great idea, no matter what kind of system you end up installing.
With a new system in place and installed by a Lowcountry local HVAC company, you’ll be well on your way to a warmer winter season here in South Carolina’s Lowcountry.