Travis Baucom
Vice President
About Travis
"My wife Emily and I started our wonderful family here in Charleston over 15 years ago after graduating college in North Carolina. Since then we have watched additional family members move to the area and discover why we love the Lowcountry so much.
The Charleston area is full of culture, nature and wonderful people. There is always something to do here, whether it be fishing, golfing or just hunting for shark teeth on Folly Beach. There is also always something new to eat!
We have been blessed with three wonderful boys, Gray, Bennett and Everette. Not only did they inspire the name of our business, they also inspire me to be the best person I can be every day. I challenge myself to create a business that they can be proud of and hopefully one day want to be apart of."
Our Additional Leadership Team Members

Alex Hammond
Vice President

Katy Wall
Executive Administrator